I'm an AD

Leader of the Chinese democracy movement is accused of sexual harassments

Wang Dan, a leader of the Chinese democracy movement and one of the most visible student leaders in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, is accused of sexual harassments - so far not just by one, but by two people.

A former parliamentary assistant accused Wang Dan of attempted sexual assault 9 years ago and harassed him for a whole week, causing him physical and mental harm after returning to Taiwan. Another man, Li Yuanjun, accused Wang Dan of inviting him to the United States 9 years ago and forcibly kissing him and attempting to rape him in a restaurant in New York⁷.

Wang Dan has refuted these allegations.

Most of the public opinion thinks that Wang has betrayed the moral standard of a democracy leader and should not try to rid of the responsibility to clarify the truth.

The Facebook posts where the two victims wrote about their accusation are followed:

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